Remote Revenue Monitoring & Assurance From Panamax Infotech
This module resolves revenue leakage challenges within the chain of postpaid usage revenue. The module validates the authenticity of user data and the accuracy of data processing within the operational chain.
This module provides features that allow comparison of subscriptions and other non-usage data across various systems like HLR, billing system, inventory, order management, etc.
Leakage in the prepaid usage chain is identified by this module such as unrecorded usage, unaccounted usage in the system, application of incorrect business rules or incorrect configuration, and more areas that are related to leakage of data integrity and processing of service usage records.
This module addresses revenue leakage related to voucher management and SIM management from production to activation. The prepaid subscription module offers features to ensure the integrity of customer data across systems like IN, HLR, etc.
Revenue leakage for roaming usage is identified by this module. It included inbound roaming usage that is not accounted for, outbound roaming usage that is not billed, unauthorized usage of roaming, and the incorrect surcharge applied.
This module ensures the accurate accounting of inbound and outbound interconnect traffic.
Revenue leakage in the wholesale environment can be identified by this module. It identifies leakage resulting from inaccurate revenue settlement, leakage issues that are related to content delivery and settlement.
This module guarantees accurate rating of the billing systems. Panamax solitarily rates the usage records to verify the rates that the billing system has calculated.
Panamax uses plug-ins that support the automatic correction of records. These plug-ins can perform several functions like editing the subscriber information in various systems.
The Test Call Generator Module from Panamax adds capabilities for proactive revenue assurance. This module helps operators demonstrate the compliance of regulatory requirements as well as evaluate the billing accuracy of new products and services.